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Register for ISORU Conference

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni is a world-renowned specialist in reconstructive urology, in particular, the treatment of urethral stricture disease.

Kulkarni Center is the tertiary referral center for urethral stricture patients around the world. The Center is engaged in permanent educational programs for the urologist who is interested in in-depth theoretical and practical training on reconstructive urethral surgery.

The Urology Society of India awarded “Urology Gold Medal” for his outstanding contribution to Urology in India.

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni in collaboration with Dr. Guido Barbagli has introduced a new technique of one-sided urethroplasty for Dorsal Onlay Buccal Mucosa Graft Urethroplasty.

  • President Elect of SIU.
  • President-ISORU
  • Past President : GURS

West Zone section of the Urological Society of India.
Sanjay Kulkarni has co-authored a book with DR.Guido Barbagli “Art Of Urethral Reconstruction”.

Publication :

1. Stavros Gravas , Damien Bolton , Reynaldo Gomez , Laurence Klotz , Sanjay Kulkarni, Simon Tanguay and Jean de la Rosette. Impact of COVID-19 on Urology Practice: A Global Perspective and Snapshot Analysis.J. Clin. Med. 2020, 9, 1730

2.StavrosGravasaGeorgesFournierbMototsuguOyacDuncanSummertondRobertoMarioScarpaePiotrChlostafIoannisGkialasgLiPingXiehNurRasyidiDamienBoltonjReynaldoGomezkLaurenceKlotzlSanjayKulkarnimSimonTanguaynJeande la Rosetteo. Prioritising urological Surgery in COVID -19 era. A global refrelction on guidelines.

3. Pankaj Joshi, Sanjay Kulkarni. Management of pelvic fracture urethral injuries in the developing world. WJU. doi: 10.1007/s00345-019-02918-0

4. Sanjay B Kulkarni, Hazem Orabi, Alex Cavanagh, Pankaj M Joshi. Re Re do Urethroplasty after multiple failed surgeries of pelvic fracture urethral injuries. WJU2019. 10.1007/s00345-019-02917-1.

5. Pankaj Joshi, Sheliyan Raveenthiran, Devang Desai, Jyotsna Kulkarni, Sanjay Kulkarni. Vicryl tack for graft fixation during bulbar urethroplasty. Trends in Urology and Men’s Health.

6. Sanjay Kulkarni, Omkar Joglekar, Mohammad H Alkandri, Pankaj M Joshi. Redo hypospadias surgery: current and novel techniques. Current and Research reports in urology,2018;10:117-126

7. Urethral reconstruction in patients previously treated with Memokath urethral endoprosthesis. Actas Urológicas Españolas,2018,43(1):26-31.

8. Management of Urethral Complications of Failed Hypospadias repairs. Chapter written by invitation for ICUD (International Consultation of Urological Diseases) to be published in WJU (official Journal of SIU)

9. Joshi P and Kulkarni. Pedicled preputial tube urethroplasty for long gaps after failed urethroplasty for PFUDD.BJUI Knowledge Video Module August 2018

10.Kulkarni SB, Joglekar O, Alkandari M, Joshi PM. Management of Post TURP Strictures. World Journal of Urology. World Journal of Urology 2019 Apr;37(4):589-594.

11.Controversies in Management of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Distraction Defects. a. Turkish Journal of Urology ,2019 Jan;45(1):1-6

12.Guido Barbagli, Sanjay B Kulkarni, Pankaj M Joshi, Dimitry Nikolavsky,Francisco Montorsi, Salvatore Sansolone, Carla Loreto, Massimo Lazzeri . Repair of sphincter urethral strictures preserving urinary continence: Surgical technique and outcomes. World Journal of Urology 2019

13.Pankaj M Joshi, Sheliyan Raveenthiran, Devang J Desai, Jyotsna Kulkarni, Sanjay B Kulkarni. Vicryl Tack for graft fixation during bulbar Urethroplasty. Trends in urology and Men’s health. August 2019.

14.Kulkarni S and Joshi P. Anastomotic urethroplasty for pelvic fracture urethral injury

. BJUI Knowledge. Oct 2017. Available from:

15.Kulkarni S and Joshi P. Management of Panurethral strictures with Kulkarni technique

. BJUI Knowledge. Sep 2018. Available from:

16.Sanjay Kulkarni, Omkar Joglekar, Mohammad Alkandari, Pankaj M Joshi. Algorithm for management of anterior urethral strictures. Turk J urol2018:44(3);195-7.

17.JavierC.AnguloaSanjayKulkarnibJoshiPankajbDmitriyNikolavskycPedroSuarezdJavierBelinkyeRamónVirasorofgJessicaDeLongfFranciscoE.MartinshNicolaasLumeniCarlosGiudicejOrA.SuárezkNicolásMenéndezlLeandroCapielgDamianLópez-AlvaradomErickA.RamirezmKrishnanVenkatesannMahaM.Husainato…RichardSantuccioUrethroplasty After Urethral UrolumeStent: An International Multicenter Experience. Urology,Volume 118, August 2018, Pages 213-21

18.Pankaj Joshi et al A novel method for decision making in diagnosis of anterior urethral strictures: Using methylene blue dye-Accepted for Publication in Turkish Journal of Urology, 2017

19.Pankaj Joshi& Sanjay Kulkarni. Anastomotic urethroplasty for pelvic fracture urethral injury –BJUI Knowledge 2017

20.Sanjay Kulkarni, Pankaj Joshi et al. Management of complex and redo casesof pelvic fracture urethral injuries. Asian Journal of Urology Volume 5, Issue 2,2018, Pages 107-117

21.Lei Chen, Chao Feng, Xiang-Guo, Hai-Hao, Pankaj Joshi et al ThreeDimensional Computerized Model Based on the Sonourethrogram: A Novel Technique for Evaluating the Anterior Urethral Stricture. Accepted in The Journal of Urology

22.Pankaj M Joshi, Guido Barbagli ,Vikram Batra, Sanjay Kulkarni et al .A novel composite two-stage urethroplasty for complex penile strictures: A multicenter experience.2017,Vol 33, Issue:2, 155-158.

23.Joshi PM, Desai DJ, Shah D, Joshi D, Kulkarni SB. Injury in Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury Is Membranobulbar: Fact or Myth.Urology. 2017 Apr; 102

24.Francisco E. Martins, Sanjay B. Kulkarni, Pankaj Joshi, Jonathan Warner, and Natalia Martins. Management of Long-Segment and Panurethral Stricture Disease. Advances in Urology Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 853914, 15 pages

25.Sanjay Kulkarni, Jyostna Kulkarni, Sandesh Surana, Pankaj M Joshi. Management of Panurethral Stricture. UCNA February 2017Vol 44, issue 1,Pages 67-75

26.Pankaj Joshi, Cevdet Kaya, Sanjay Kulkarni Approach to bulbar urethral strictures: Which technique and when? Turk J Urol 2016; 42: 53-59

27. S Kulkarni, Pankaj Joshi et al, Management of pan Urethral strictures, African Journal of Urology 2016

28.Sanjay Kulkarni, Pankaj Joshi, Craig Hunter, Sandesh Surana, Walid Shahrour,Faisal Alhajeri. Complex posterior urethral injury. Arab Journal of Urology (2015) 13-43

29. Warner JN, Malkawi I, Dhradekh,Joshi PMet al. A Multi-Institutional Evaluation of the Management and Outcomes of Long-segment Urethral StricturesUrology 2015 Jun;85(6):1483-7

30.Sanjay B. Kulkarni, Guido Barbagli, Joshi M. Pankaj, Craig Hunter, Walid Shahrour, Jyotsna Kulkarni, Salvatore Sansalone, Massimo Lazzeri. Laparoscopic Omentoplasty to Support Anastomotic Urethroplasty in Complex and Redo Pelvic Fracture Urethral Defects: a Stage-2 Study. Urology. 2015 May; 85(5): 1200-5

31. Guido Barbagli, Sanjay B Kulkarni, Nicola Fossati, Alessandro Larcher, Salvatore Sansalone, Giorgio Guazzoni,Giuseppe Romano,Joshi Pankaj Met al. Long term followup and deterioration rate of anterior substitution urethroplasty.J Urol 2014 Vol 192,Issue 3,Pages 808-813

32.Kulkarni SB, Joshi PankajM, Venkatesan K. J. Management of Panurethral stricture disease in India.Urol.2012 Sep; 188(3):824-30.

33.Puntambekar, S.P., Kudchadkar, R.J., Chaudhari, Y.P.Patil A,Kulkarni Sanjay B. Role of pelvic exenteration in advanced and recurrent pelvic tumours. J.Pelvic Surg. 2002; 8: 241–2451.

34.Kulkarni SB, Barbagli G, and Sansalone S, Lazzeri M. One-sided anterior urethroplasty: a new dorsal onlay graft technique. BJU Int. 2009:8:1150-5

35.Kulkarni S, Barbagli G, Kirpekar D et al: Lichen sclerosus of the male genitalia and urethra: surgical options and results in a multicenter inter-national experience with 215 patients. Eur Urol 2009; 55: 945.

36.Sanjay B Kulkarni, Guido Barbagli, Jyotsna Kulkarni, Giuseppe Romano, Massimo Lazzeri. Posterior urethral stricture after pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects in Developing and Developed countries and choice of surgical technique. J Urol. 2010, 183(3), 1049-54

37.Steven Hudak, Jessica D. Lubahn, Sanjay Kulkarni, Allen Morey. Single stage reconstruction of complex anterior urethral strictures using overlapping dorsal and ventral buccal mucosal grafts. BJU Int 2011;110,592-596

38.Barbagli G, Sansalone S, Kulkarni SB, Romano G, Lazzeri M. Dorsal onlay oral mucosal graft bulbar urethroplasty. BJU Int. 2012 Jun; 109(11): 1728-41.

39. Daniel M Stein, D. Joseph Thum, Guido Barbagli, Sanjay Kulkarni, Salvatore
Sansalone, Ashish Pardeshi, Chris Gonzalez. A geographic analysis of male
urethral stricture aetiology and location. BJUI 2013;112:830-34.

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